A Balancing Act

Mom. Wife. Teacher. Family. Friends. Faith.

This life is a balancing act and I’m just trying to juggle it all while living it to the fullest! I want to embrace the chaos by sharing my experiences throughout this journey. I do not claim to know much, but my prayer is that in becoming vulnerable, I am able spread some encouragement and joy into your life!

 Recent Posts

Personalized Father’s Day Gifts
Ashten Dick Ashten Dick

Personalized Father’s Day Gifts

Our family loves a reason to celebrate, so Father’s Day is just another great day to share our love and appreciation for all the fathers in our life! A lot of men don’t care all that much about this day and would be happy with a simple card or just a hug. But, as mentioned before, we love to celebrate so we do our best to shower our dads with love! 

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When Your All Feels Small
Ashten Dick Ashten Dick

When Your All Feels Small

This is a powerful message for anyone who feels that their all is small. After sharing how God used David’s ordinary to do the extraordinary and beat Goliath, Kristen Wallace becomes vulnerable and shares her personal story of how God used her “small” ordinary to do the “big” extraordinary in her life. Her testimony of God’s faithfulness is beautiful and encouraging for every person who has ever felt defeated or lost in their ordinary. Take the time to listen to her heartfelt, raw, and passionate message.

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Lessons Learned on our First Family Vacay
Ashten Dick Ashten Dick

Lessons Learned on our First Family Vacay

Well we attempted our first family vacation as a family of three! Going to the beach with a toddler is definitely different than going to the beach before having a child. I now understand why people say that a vacation with children should not be called a “vacation” but rather a “trip.” We used to have a quiet drive down, leisurely enjoy the beach, have uninterrupted dinners, stay up late watching movies, sleep in and start our day on our own time. This trip could not have been more opposite, but it was even better than before. Sweet memories were made with our baby boy and it was a blast watching him discover the world around him in a new place! 

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Quarantine Fatigue
Ashten Dick Ashten Dick

Quarantine Fatigue

Summer is officially in full swing! But because of COVID, this summer looks a little different. Americans have quarantine fatigue and since most states have relaxed their quarantine rules, people have started to venture back out into the outside world. Pools, beaches, stores, restaurants, and many other places have started welcoming people back little by little for the summer season. Many of us are stuck in limbo between being in quarantine and resuming a somewhat normal life. We will see what the days ahead hold, but I know that quarantine fatigue is real and it looks different for everyone…

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A Prayer for our Nation
Ashten Dick Ashten Dick

A Prayer for our Nation

Lord, I honestly do not know where to begin. I am not equipped to pray an elaborate prayer on this nation’s suffering, but I know you listen and hear when we call. This nation is grieving, anxious, fearful, and full of rage. We are losing lives daily to a pandemic, enduring unemployment across the nation, and being awakened to the reality of racism that still exists today. Our hearts hurt. So much anger, rage, fear, and hurt are coming from all sides. This nation needs you…

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World Redhead Day
Ashten Dick Ashten Dick

World Redhead Day

Happy World Redhead Day to my precious red headed blue eyed baby boy! According to the interwebs, less than 2% of the world's population has red hair; moreover, having red hair and blue eyes is the rarest combination possible. The odds of someone having both of those traits is around 0.17%…

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What is a Balancing Act?
Ashten Dick Ashten Dick

What is a Balancing Act?

What exactly is “a balancing act?” When looking up its’ definition on the good old trusty online dictionaries, there are several meanings…

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Isaiah 26:3

“People with their minds set on you,

you keep completely whole,

Steady on their feet,

because they keep at it and don’t quit.

Depend on God and keep at it

because in the Lord God you have a sure thing.”

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